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The Wigry National Park
At present the Wigry National Park occupies the area of 15085 ha. About 10000 ha are occupied by forest ecosystems, 2800 ha by water ecosystems, about 2 200 ha falls to private forest grounds which are covered by landscape protection within the Park. 4% of the Park's area are covered by strict protection.

Nature conservation is the main goal of the Park. Works aiming at preservation of the existing nature condition are being conducted in areas covered by partial conservation, or measures are performed to bring back their proper condition - e.g. cultivation and breeding works in tree-stands, restitution of native animal species, reclamation of habitats, active control of all sorts of hazards.In ecosystems covered by strict protection conditions for spontaneous course of natural processes have been ensured.

Active nature conservation performed by the Park's services has varied forms. Works connected with rebuilding of species composition of tree-stands are being conducted in forests changed by previous forest management. They are connected with age and space structure in a way which will lead to reconstruction of natural forests in the whole area of the Park in the shortest possible time.

To ensure a proper development and sanitary condition of the forest, measures are taken to limit the number of insects feeding on trees (bark beetles mainly) through removing the suppressed trees, and also through providing nesting conditions for forest insectivorous birds, i.e, protection of trees with tree hollows. Carrying out cultivation works in the youngest tree-stands and providing the right conditions for their growth are an important trend in the active protection of forests.

Educational activities conducted by the Park are equally important. They include, among other things, field and laboratory classes at the Centre for Environmental Education, organization of numerous contests and other events connected with nature conservation, meeting with young people, exhibitions and publications - in this, publication of brochures, maps, books, guidebooks and various educational materials. The development of educational trails and tourist tracks is a direct complement of the environmental education.

Apart from the protective and educational functions the Park implements a programme of research and monitoring of environment. It cooperates with many scientific centres, gathers knowledge about natural resources of the region, analyses the changes taking place, and evaluates hazards. Numerous data necessary for preparation of the right strategy to counteract the Park's nature degradation were collected during works on a long-term plan of the Park conservation for the years 2000-2020.

Author and more information
Author: Wigierski Park Narodowy, more information:

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