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Major Events
A whole number of cultural events are regularly organised in Białystok. Not a month goes by without something interesting for those who love arts and culture. Some of the more interesting events are:

1. Presentation of nativity scenes (January)
2. "Carnival" - A Voivodeship Review of Dancing Companies (January)
3. Szorty - the independent film festival (February)
4. National Festival of Belarussian Song (February)
5. Białystok Music Spring (March)
6. Documentary Film Festival (March)
7. "Golden Shoes" Ballroom Dancing Tournament (March - April)
8. "KOPYŚĆ" Festival of Sailor Songs (March - April)
9. Easter Festival (Easter)
10. The International Festival of Orthodox Church Music (May)
11. Days of Contemporary Art (May - June)
12. Juvenalia Students Festival (May - June)
13. Summer Divertimento, Sunday Chamber Music (May, September)
14. Jazz Deptak, jazz concerts (May, September)
15. Days of Białystok (June)
16. Jarmark na Jana - the craft fair (June)
17. Cathedral Organ Concerts (July - August)
18. Białystok Orthodox Music Days (September)
19. The Podlaskie Trade Fairs of folk sculpture, double warp textiles and folk smithing (September)
20. European Cinema Forum (September)
21. Białystok Summer Film Festival (August)
22. Russian Culture Days (October)
23. Papal Days (October)
24. Białystok Folk Songs (September - October)
25. Festival of Ukrainian Culture - the Podlasie Autumn (October)
26. All Saints Day with the Blues (November)
27. Autumn with the Blues festival (December)
28. "KRESY" - Poetry reciting contest for Poles living abroad (December)
29. "Quo vadis" - festival of Christian art


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